I have a dead Mazda 2.2 diesel, caused by drive chain slack. After battling to get the car started, I give in and call breakdown cover. However, the news was worse than expected.
Mazda History
I bought the car in January 2017, it was running fine and passed the MOT in May. When I took it for a service, the mechanic told me there was a rattling noise and it was an £800 job to resolve. It was my own fault I didn’t pay attention to what he said. In my mind, if it had been rattling for a while and I hadn’t noticed, it would probably last a little longer.
However, this particular issue was a bigger problem then I realised. It is a common issue in particular with the Mazda 2.2L diesel engines, the Drive chain (yes chain, not belt) seems to start stretching over time. This can happen as early as 30k miles on the clock. This car had 80K, so was definitely in the bracket for needing the chain changed, or the tensions tightened.
Either way, I parked up the car, it didn’t start the next morning, no signs of anything wrong. I called my mechanic out as I thought it could be a battery issue. He couldn’t pick up anything in the diagnostics and so referred me to an electric specialist in case it was the immobiliser. When the electrical specialist couldn’t detect any faults, after further investigation there didn’t appear to be any compression in the engine.
I was shocked when they informed me that the car could be a write-off. I had the car towed to the garage where a compression test confirmed the situation.
How to avoid
This happens on most Mazda 2.2L Diesel engines (pre-2013) after 30K Miles. Mazda garages will usually tighten it for you each service. If the warning light comes up, they will charge £800+ to replace it.
If it is a dead Mazda and won’t start like mine, check the value of your car before you have the work started. I phoned around several garages at its a 10 hour job. This involves taking the side of the engine off to inspect any potential damage.
Here is a link to the Mazda forum where other people have suffered the same issue: Mazda Forum
Mazda Experience
Has this happened to you? Have you got a Mazda 2.2L Diesel?
Please share with us your experience with the car in the comments below.
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